How To Say Thank You for the Flowers Message Templates

Have you received flowers and want to send a thank-you note? Perhaps, you are not sure what to say in your message.

Flowers make an impact. According to, over 90% of people can remember the last time they received a floral gift.

Here is the list:

The posts below are part of the “thank you for the flowers” series. These posts will contain example thank you note messages for specific occasions.

My favorite way to send a thank-you note is by using a nice handwritten note. However, please choose the method that works for you such as an email or text message.

Thank You For The Flowers Message Templates

For the templates, you will want to include the reason for the flowers. And then say why you liked them or how you felt. And include a compliment of the flowers too (hopefully, you liked them!

In the templates below, fill in the items in brackets as suits your occasion for receiving flowers. If they are from someone you love, you can close the note with Love followed by your name or I love you.

If you know the person well, feel free to add something personal to the note. This could be that you are looking forward to seeing them soon or something about your family or theirs.

Template 1:

Dear [Name],

Thank you for the flowers for [occasion/holiday]. They are [lovely, beautiful, wonderful]. I have been enjoying them all week. It felt good to be [remembered, recognized, etc.].

Thanks again,[Your Name]

Template 2:

Dear [Name],

I was very excited to receive flowers from you for [occasion/holiday]. They are [lovely, beautiful, wonderful] and [flower type] are my favorite. I think of you when I see them and appreciate that you thought of me!

Best Regards,[Your Name]

Examples using these templates:

Dear Violet,

Thank you for the flowers for my birthday. They are beautiful. I have been enjoying them all week. It felt good to be remembered.

Thanks again,

[Your Name]

Dear Lina,

I was very excited to receive flowers from you when I was when the hospital. They are wonderful and carnations are my favorite. I think of you when I see them and appreciate that you thought of me!

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

I hope you found these templates useful for thanking someone for flowers.

Read Next: 17 Thank You Gift Ideas

Author: Heidi Bender

Title: Writer

Expertise: Thank You Notes

Heidi Bender is a writer and author who founded Tons of Thanks. She aims to help people write thank-you notes by providing examples and tips. She is the author of She is the author of A Modern Guide to Writing Thank-You Notes.