Express Your Gratitude in Just 5 Minutes With This Quick Tip

I recently watched a YouTube video with a list of things to do instead of scrolling endlessly.

The first tip, about gratitude, caught my attention. Ali Abdaal describes an exercise he has people do at events.

The first thing he does is have people close their eyes. Next, he asks them to imagine someone they have a sense of gratitude towards.

Then, think about what they would say to that person as an expression of their gratitude or how they have helped.

Next, he asks everyone to take out their phones and open a text message to them. Type out what they would say to them, with no pressure to send it.

Then he says that people can send the message if they want to. He shared that about 80% of people actually send it.

Sometimes, they get a response back right away. He says most people get a positive response.

You can watch the video below.

The section about sending the thank you message is only about two minutes.

You can watch that section and then send someone a meaningful thank you text in less than 5 minutes.

Remember, the best gratitude is shared gratitude. It’s possible the person doesn’t know how much you appreciate them or something they’ve done for you.

If you send someone a message, I hope it makes their day and yours.

You can write what’s on your heart. If you are stuck on wording here are a few posts that might help:

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