A random act of kindness can be easy to do. Your kindness, large or small, can make someone’s day!
Below are some creative, fun, and easy random acts of kindness ideas, including suggestions on how to do them.
According to a study by The Ohio State University, showing kindness to others can help you when feeling depressed.
I encourage you to be kind every day. You may feel better, and the recipient of your kindness will also. They may even pay it forward, spreading kindness to more people.
Text a Friend
Take a moment to text a friend that needs some encouragement.
Or surprise a friend that you haven’t had contact with in a while.
Most people like to feel seen.
Related: Express Your Gratitude in Just 5 Minutes With This Quick Tip
Call or Visit Your Mom or Dad
Most parents are interested in the lives of their children and grandchildren.
They love and care for you and like to know how you are doing.
My parents are happy when any of their kids, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren visit them.
They love visiting with any of their descendants.
Write a Thank You Note
An easy way to show kindness is by writing a thank-you note.
A handwritten thank-you card sent in the mail can make for a delightful surprise in the mailbox. However, you can also send thank you text messages and emails.
You can say thank you to your friends, coworkers, or boss and for many other occasions.
Related: How To Write A Good Thank You Note
Offer to Babysit and Then Do It For Free
Is there a couple or single parent you know who would enjoy a night out without the kids?
Offer to babysit for free for them. Be sure to follow through by setting a date.
Then, you can plan a few fun activities with the kids.
Pick Up Litter on a Walk
Picking up litter is an easy task.
To make it fun, you could do a challenge with a few others to see who can collect the most litter during the walk.
Pay for Someone’s Order
You can pay for the order of the person behind in the drive-thru of a fast food restaurant or coffee shop.
Another idea is to pay for another family’s meal at a restaurant anonymously.
Give a Generous Tip
While large tips are popular at the end of the year, you can surprise a server with a generous tip at any time.
The amount that is considered generous is up to you! Anything above 20% will likely feel like extra to the waitress or waiter.
A $50 tip on a $15 meal at the local dinner will likely make someone’s day!
Compliment a Stranger
Saying “awesome shirt” or “I love your shirt” is an excellent and easy way to acknowledge another human.
I feel good when someone randomly compliments something I am wearing or my purse.
I’ve also had many conversations with strangers about cats due to wearing cat-themed shirts. This Cat Lady shirt that I designed is a favorite with strangers.
Invite a New Friend to Lunch
A great way to get to know a new friend is to have lunch with them.
And inviting them out is a thoughtful way to show that you want to build friendships.
Talk to a Neighbor
Is there a neighbor you’ve been waving at as you back out of your driveway?
While waving is kind, take your relationship to the next by having a conversation. Then, perhaps, you will make a new friend.
Help Someone at a Store
Be on the lookout for people who could use a helping hand.
- Does an older adult or a parent with many kids need help taking their groceries to their car?
- Are you tall enough to get items off the top shelf for someone who can’t reach them?
- Or you could take a cart to the corral or back inside the store.
- Another idea is to let someone cut before you in the checkout line.
- Also, remember to be kind to the store employees who likely deal with unkind people daily.
Take in Treats to the Office
Bless your office or team with donuts, bagels, or a healthy snack.
Food is a kind way to show coworkers that you appreciate them.
Related: 19 Quick Thanks for the Donuts Messages
Give Away Something Useful for Free
Your community may have a Facebook group for giving away things for free.
Or you can check Freecycle.org for free items in your area.
You’ll need to respect your community’s rules, but I’ve had success putting good items on the curb on trash night. Usually, by the next day, someone nearby has snagged the free thing. We’ve successfully given away an exercise bike, table and chairs, and a barely used large cat tower that my cats rejected.
Do a Household Chore You Normally Do Not Do
Show gratitude by doing a task around the house that someone else usually does.
While some of these ideas may sound boring, they are easy.
- Mow the lawn
- Do the dishes
- Clean a room
- Scoop the kitty litter boxes
- Make dinner
Surprise a Family in Need with a Gift Card
You may know someone in your neighborhood, family, or church going through a tough financial time.
You could give them a gift card to a local grocery store or retail store to show them kindness. I like the gift card idea over dropping off a random bag of groceries or meals, as it gives them the freedom to choose food their family favors. And they can also purchase nonfood items that they may need.
While not as easy, you may also be able to pay a utility bill or rent for them. If you are concerned that they would not use the cash towards bills, you may be able to pay the bill directly through the utility company.
Hold the Door for Someone
This small act of kindness may feel cliché, but it’s very easy to do!
Leave Change Near a Vending Machine
Leave your spare change or bills near the vending machine for the next person.
You could also put a twenty in the change return to surprise someone.
Donate Clothing and Put Money in a Pocket
I was recently told the story of a friend’s daughter who found a $100 bill in a clothing item she had purchased at a local charity shop.
The young woman contacted the store, and no one had reported any lost money, so she felt comfortable keeping the money.
You can put some cash in the pocket of an item you will donate, along with a sticky note so they know the money is meant as a blessing and wasn’t left in the pocket by mistake.
Do Something for a Senior Friend
As people age, once easy tasks can become difficult.
An older neighbor, parent, or friend may appreciate a ride to an appointment, help to get groceries, or a visit.
Sometimes, a visit will mean more to them than anything else, especially when they cannot go places often on their own. So bless them with your time.
Related: 33 Thank You For Visiting Note Messages
Write a Positive Comment on Social Media
Instead of endless scrolling on social media, take extra time to write a kind, thoughtful comment.
Your old friends from long ago may feel encouraged. A kind word can go a long way.
Talk To The Quiet Person
Look for someone alone or not engaging with others when you are at an event or any social gathering.
Making an effort to talk to them can help them to feel seen, and you may end up with a new friend.
Let Someone Cut In Line
When you have a full cart, you could let someone with 1 item go in line ahead of you.
However, you should only do this if the person was already in line directly behind you.
Or, if a person asks to cut, you are willing to go to the back of the line.
Otherwise, you are not being kind to the others already in line.
Donate Blood
If you are able, donating blood will help others.
While you will not know who you are helping, you can indirectly save a life.
Let A Family Member Sleep In
If your spouse or partner is the one who usually gets up early with the kids, give them a break for a day.
Let them know the night before so they can plan to sleep in. And you can make your plan for being in charge of children.
Help a Coworker
When you see a coworker struggling with something, offer to help them.
You can also help your team or coworkers by sharing your knowledge with them.
Volunteer somewhere that fits your interests, as you will enjoy it more.
- Pet cats at a cat rescue that are waiting to be adopted.
- Play the piano at a nursing home or long-term care facility.
- Be a delivery driver for Meals on Wheels.
- Find out where you can serve at church.
Being Randomly Kind
I hope these random kindness ideas have inspired you to express kindness to those around you!
While a list of ideas may make your kindness feel planned, one of these ideas may randomly pop into your mind someday when the opportunity presents itself.
If you’ve experienced a random act of kindness (or not so random), be sure to say thank you for your kindness.
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