After someone gives you information, you can respond with a thank you message. Your thank you is a way to acknowledge that you received the information and express your gratitude.
I wrote this type of email most often when I had an office job that required asking others for information sometimes. It was easy and quick to respond to the email. In personal situations, when someone gives you information, you could write a handwritten thank you card or send a text.
There may also be times when you want to thank friends or family members for giving you some information. Your thank you wording can be adjusted based on who you are thanking. You’ll want to keep the message professional at work.
How To Say Thank You for the Information
Here are some tips for when you want to say thank you for information.
- Short Replies are okay where someone just gave you the information you needed, and you want to acknowledge it.
- Check Your Grammar. Use a grammar tool to ensure your note is free of grammar errors. My recommendation is here.
- Include How it Helped. Did it help you make a decision? Did you learn something from it? Is someone benefiting from the information? Again, this all depends on what the information was.
- Thank them for the time if you know getting the information was time-consuming.
Related Example Messages:
You may also want to review these example thank you messages:
Thank You for the Information Email Template
Here is a template you can follow when replying to an email. Replace the words in [brackets] with your own words.
[Person’s Name],
Thank you for the information provided. [Then share how it helped you, what you learned, how you will use the info, etc., in one or two sentences]—[If relevant, thank them for their time].
Thanks again,
[Your Name]
For more details on what to include in a thank-you note, read through the how to write a thank-you note guide.
Short Thank You for the Information Quotes
When all you need is a quick reply, here are a few sayings to thank someone for the information. A quick response is an easy way to let them know you got it.
- Thank you for your information.
- Thank you for providing the information.
- Thanks for the info!
- Thank you for sharing with me. Your information was helpful.
- I appreciate your quick response. Thank you so much.
- Thank you for the information.
- I am grateful for the information. Thank you for sharing it with me.
Thank You for the Information Message Examples
Below are many thank you for the information example messages. These samples can help inspire your wording when saying thank you for the information.
At Work
#1 Thank you for sending me the detailed information about [list what it was about]. I learned [what you learned] from it. I appreciate the detail you went into [topic that was covered]. I am grateful for the time and effort you put into helping us. Your insights and summary are helpful to me.
#2 Thank you for sending the email with the requested information. The details about the project are exactly what I needed to understand how to contact the supplier and handle the current situation. I am grateful for the background history you were able to provide as well.
#3 The information you provided for the meeting was marvelous. Seeing the data in charts helped make it easier to understand and present. The client had a few questions that I will review for review.
#4 Thank you for providing the detailed information and instructions. We will use what you started as the basis for the new training documentation. You’ve saved us a lot of time!
#5 Thank you for helping us by providing the information you had about the project. Your efforts saved us time and helped us learn more about the customer. The bar charts and statistics were nifty.
#6 You are the best! Thanks for the info regarding the new procedures for [whatever the information helped with].
#7 This new way of doing [whatever is new at your office] is a big hassle. Thank you for giving me detailed information on how to complete each step. I appreciate the extra help.
#8 The information you provided was exceptionally helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it together and preventing me from having to learn the correct way the hard way. I’ll save this for future reference.
#9 Thank you for the thorough explanations and directions. We’ll start with what you’ve already done for the new training documents. You’ve saved us a significant amount of time!
#10 Thank you for sending the additional personality type training via email. I will read up on what it means to be an omnivert or ambivert before we have training next week. I also appreciate the personal story you shared.
#11 We appreciate the information you submitted following your [job title or position name] interview. We’ll review all the applicants tomorrow and get back to you at the end of the week.
#12 The information you sent was useful to me. Thank you for taking the time to organize it. We will save this for our records.
#13 Thank you for providing your information quickly. We will begin contacting your references this week. We will follow up with you next week about the position.
#14 Thank you for providing your information again. We apologize for the inconvenience of having to request it again. We are grateful for your understanding.
#15 Thanks for your detailed information. However, while we are not currently hiring, we will email you when a position becomes available.
#16 Thank you for providing your resume and contact information. While we are not currently hiring, we will let you know by email if a position becomes available.
#17 We appreciate the information you emailed after your job interview for [job title or position name]. We will review all the candidates next week and will contact you by the end of next week.
#18 Thank you for giving your information to us. We will review your resume soon.
#19 You have my appreciation for responding promptly with your information. I am grateful for the courtesy. I have updated your records in the system.
#20 I appreciate how quickly you responded with your information. I revised the report’s charts and emailed the new version to the boss.
#21 I appreciate how soon you got back to me with your answers. I updated the charts and emailed the updated reports to the boss.
#22 Thank you for voting for your restaurant choice for the team lunch with the boss. I am looking forward to the lunch and am grateful for your input.
#23 Thank you for providing the detailed information. I’ll review it shortly and let you know if we have any other questions.
Personal – Friends and Family
#1 Thank you for sharing the videos about the best lawnmowers. I wanted to make an excellent investment to have the mower for many years. And the yard work will be quicker with the new mower. So I am grateful you took the time to help me decide.
#2 Thank you for sending me the information about the best aquarium fish for beginners. It was exactly what we needed to get started as fish owners.
#3 We have received the information you sent in the mail. The book about eating whole, unprocessed foods has been interesting. Our clients will benefit from what we are learning.
#4 Thank you for providing the information about the fall activities in your area. I look forward to making the most of fall when I visit in October.
#5 I want to thank you for sending the information about the real estate class. Hearing your perspective helped me decide to enroll. I look forward to being in class with you!
#6 Your knowledge about how to help the cat was spot on. She is now using her litter box every day! The website you shared with me had plenty of things to try.
#7 Thank you for providing the requested information. I am learning so much about [topic] now. We can discuss it in more detail the next time we meet for lunch.
#8 Thank you for the information about cheap date ideas. I will be planning a fun, low-cost date night with Violet soon.
#10 I am excited to read the information you gave me about how to get out of debt! You are a great mentor, and I appreciate your book suggestions. I plan to be debt-free within five years.
#11 Thank you for the detailed information about saving money and investing. I want to learn everything I can, and what you provided will help get me started. Our conversations about money are always exciting and help me think about how I could handle money better.
#12 Sometimes, I feel like I have information overload. Thank you for sending me only the materials I need for tomorrow’s training course. I am grateful not to spend time sorting through stuff that isn’t required.
#13 Thanks for sending me the information about trampoline risks. I will review it soon and decide whether we will get a trampoline for the kids this summer.
#14 The travel information you provided was fantastic! It helped my class decide where we will go on our camping trip. Your expertise saved us so much time.
#15 Thank you for the great information about birds. The bird book you sent home has helped me identify several birds coming to my bird feeders in the yard. I am also excited to learn their songs using the app you told me about.
#16 I have learned so much about [topic] since you shared that your pet also has [condition], and you sent me information about websites that talk about the disease. Thank you for sending me all of those links!
#17 I’m looking forward to reading your tips on getting out of debt! You are an excellent teacher, and I value your website recommendations. Thanks for the information.
#18 Thank you for providing extensive advice on saving and investing more money. I want to take advantage of everything I can, and the detailed information will help me get started.
#19 Thank you for supplying the information that was needed. I’m learning a lot about [subject] right now. We can review it in greater detail the next time we walk together.
#20 When addressing [subject] with [Name], the information you supplied was beneficial. I appreciate you taking the time to make a book list for me to learn more.
#21 Thank you for the information about anti-nausea medication for sea sickness. I want to be prepared for my first cruise as I struggled with motion sickness in the car as a kid.
#22 The information you gave about [topic] has been helpful when talking about the issue with [Child’s Name]. I appreciate the time you spent gathering all those books and pamphlets.
#23 Thanks for your information. I will compile your responses with those received from others to complete my school assignment. I’m so glad my parents told me to contact you, and I appreciate your help.
#24 Thank you for providing excellent information on good conversation starters. I’m happy my parents suggested that I reach out to you. I am excited to try them out at the convention next week.
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