When you receive clarification about something, you may want to respond with a short thank you message.
Below, you will find suggested wording that will help you say thank you for the clarification.
These thank you messages can be used in an email or a handwritten thank note card. You can download a printable card here.
Also, remember that sometimes just saying “Thank you for the clarification” can be enough to express your gratitude. A one-sentence thank you message works best when you don’t have anything else to add and do not want to emphasize how the clarification was helpful.
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Example Messages
A few notes about the examples:
- The examples are the “thank you” messages section of a thank you note. Your note should include an opening and closing. You can learn more about how to write a good thank-you note here.
- Remember to make your note as specific as possible. When possible, you can add more to the examples or replace words. For example, replace the word project with the name of the project.
- [Words in brackets] will need to be replaced with your own words relevant to your situation.
- Some synonym phrases for “thank you for the clarification” are:
- Thank you for clarifying.
- I appreciate the clarification.
- Thank you for answering my questions.
- Thank you for the additional information.
- Thank you for the additional knowledge
#1 Thank you for clarifying the situation. The added details will help me [what the details will help with].
#2 Thank you for the clarification. The next steps on how to move forward are clear to me now.
#3 I appreciate you for taking the time to answer my follow-up questions. I am much more comfortable with the project now, with the added information.
#4 Thank you for taking the time to explain the issue. The additional information will assist me with [what the additional information will assist with].
#5 Thank you for the additional knowledge. The time can plan the next steps in the project now.
#6 I appreciate you taking the time to clarify the expectations. I’m more confident with the extra details and can begin setting up the reports.
#7 Thank you for the clarification after the meeting. Without having the context of the initial meeting, I was a little lost. I appreciate you for filling in the missing details.
#8 I felt like I didn’t know what was happening at today’s meeting. Thank you for taking me aside and clarifying afterward. I did not realize that so much had gone wrong previously. We can do our best to move forward now.
#9 Thank you for the clarification regarding how to [whatever you were to do]. The extra help made the difference, and I can [complete the task/assignment]. You are a great teacher!
#10 Thank you for helping me make sense of the discussion. In this instance, I was having trouble following the context of the conversation. I am grateful to you for summarizing after the meeting.
#11 Thank you for the clarification. I misunderstood the request initially and will proceed with writing the documentation based on the new details.
#12 You are a wonderful [boss/coworker/friend/person]. Thank you for the clarification regarding [situation]. I will be more sensitive when discussing it with others now that I have the background information.
#13 Thank you for clarifying how much I should be practicing during the week. I will work on practicing 30 minutes a day from now on. Naturally, I want to be able to play as well as you someday!
#14 I want to thank you for the clarification about [topic]. The information from the scientific journals was too technical for me to understand. Talking with you helped clear my confusion about [ a topic detail].
#15 I appreciate your clear commitment to our cause. Thank you for clarifying the exact wording to be used in the newsletter. Your response made the process easier and will help the content to be professional.
#16 The potential differences between the various ways to approach the project were surprising. Thank you for clarifying the details and how long each approach would take. This information will help us during our interactions with other departments involved in the planning of this project.
#17 Sometimes, the answers are not easy to understand. Thank you for the additional clarification. The extra information is helping me to learn the subject.
Saying thank you for the clarification can be done with an informal, one-sentence thank-you message.
Or, you can write a few more sentences t share how or why the clarification was helpful.
The example thank you for the clarification messages can help you with wording to express your gratitude in an email or writing a handwritten thank you card.
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