37 Thank You for Your Support or Encouragement Example Messages

Receiving support and encouragement is a blessing and can be life-changing.

Below you will find example thank you messages for support and encouragement to help you write a thank you note or email.

To improve your note or message, include details specific to the encouragement you received.  You may want to write a letter if you have a lot to say (a thank you letter has more than one paragraph). 

This post is part of the Thank You For Your Support series. Here are other related posts you may want to read.

Thanking Someone for Their Support tips

One way to respond to encouragement is with a thank you message. 

  • To get started, complete this sentence: Thank you for encouraging or supporting me as…
  • If you are still stuck on the wording after reading the samples, remember that saying “thank you for the support or encouragement”  is better than not saying anything at all.
  • In some examples, the words support and encouragement can be swapped.
  • The sample messages are intended to inspire wording. Adjust wording so that the words of appreciation sound like something you would say.
  • Replace words in [brackets] with wording that is appropriate to your situation.

Review the steps in this post to see a complete layout of a thank-you note. If you are writing a handwritten thank you note, you need to include a greeting, a closing, and remember to sign your name.

Support and Encouragement Thank You Messages

#1 Thank you for encouraging me to eat healthy foods. Better health is my goal, and I’ve been making more meals at home with your support. As a result, I feel less tired after meals and have the energy to work throughout the afternoon.

#2 Thank you for all of your support in planning the fundraiser. Because of your involvement, we have completed the setup work. Therefore, we will be ready on the day of the event. I appreciate your dedication to dogs and cats.

#3 Losing weight is much harder than I expected. Thank you for supporting me and sending me encouraging text messages as I work towards my goal. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but knowing that you will be checking up on me, has helped me stick with it.

#4 With your guidance and support, I’ve saved so much money! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me when I reached out for money-saving tips. The half-hour you spent with me will have a long-lasting impact on my life.

#5 We have formed a beautiful friendship since starting the walking group. Also, I appreciate your encouragement and support, as creating the new walking habit was challenging for me. However, I am glad I stuck with it, as I have learned much from our chats while we walked.

#6 Thank you for the encouragement as I return to college to finish my degree. Being the oldest person in class has been easier than expected. I am enjoying learning and appreciate that you can help watch my kids while I am in class. They love spending extra time with you!

#7 As I work on my goal, I appreciate that you continue to have encouraging words for me despite my goal taking longer to complete than anticipated. Please know your support has helped me not to give up. I will continue to be persistent and eventually will do what I set out to do.

#8 I’m so glad that you are in my life! You’re the most encouraging person that I know. Thank you for the daily text messages that show your support of my goal to [whatever the goal is].

#9 Thank you for the support and encouragement as I search for a new job. The job search is taking up more time than I anticipated. I appreciate you for spending extra time with the children and preparing our dinners. I hope we can return to normal routine soon as I have three interviews next week.

#10 Thank you for encouraging me with my job search. I am grateful for your support, as change is difficult for me. But you are right. I need a better job to apply what I learned at college. Thanks for giving me the push to look for a new job. You’ll be happy to learn that I have two interviews on Friday. I will let you know how they go!

#11 Thank you for encouraging me on hard days. I am grateful when I see an uplifting text message from you in the mornings. They help my day get off to a good start. I’m looking forward to seeing you next week.

#12 Thanks for your encouraging words of support. I’ve known for a long time that breaking up with [Person’s Name] was the best choice for my life. But we had been together for so many years that it was still very hard. Thank you for giving me your shoulder to cry on. You are a great friend!

#13 I appreciate your encouragement and support in teaching me to budget my money. In the last month, I’ve been able to save $500 just by paying attention more closely to how I was spending my money. I will be opening an investment account soon. Thank you for having the courage to suggest I look at my money habits.

#14 Thank you for your note of encouragement when I was at home recovering from surgery. Getting your card in the mail made my day. The card was beautiful, and I loved that you chose a cat-themed card. It’s on display for all visitors to see!

#15 Thank you for your encouragement and support as I make daily walking a habit. It’s been easier, and I look forward to seeing you out in your yard as I pass by. I enjoy our short talks and how you say, “see you tomorrow,” as a way to give me accountability for walking the next day. Soon, I will be in shape enough that we can go on a hike in the woods.

Thank You for Your Continuous Support and Encouragement Messages

Sometimes, someone, perhaps a boss, friend, or family member, is providing continuous support. Here are some sample messages to show your appreciation. 

#1 Thank you for your ongoing support. I appreciate your encouragement as I learn the new tasks of this position. You’re a great [boss/mentor/friend]. 

#2 Thanks for the words of encouragement and continuous support. Having you by my side is making this difficult time easier to handle. 

#3 You’re an awesome friend for recently encouraging me so much. I am grateful for your support as I learn healthy eating habits. 

#4 I’m so grateful that you are in my life. Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement. You’ve been amazing as I’ve transitioned into being a single mom. And thank you for the encouraging words for my kids.

#5 I want to let you know that you’re fantastic. You are the only one supporting my plan to set up a cat rescue. I appreciate your believing in my mission and encouraging me to continue. 

#6 Thank you for supporting me the past few weeks. Your encouragement helped me get through the day when I felt depressed. I will always be grateful to you. 

Thank You for the Motivation Messages

One way that people provide support is with words of encouragement that motivate you. Here are a few examples of how you can thank them. 

#1 Thank you for your daily encouraging text message every morning. Your reminders are giving me the motivation to exercise every day.

#2 You are an excellent personal trainer. With your encouragement, I found the motivation to get started with short walks. And now, I am enjoying the weight training and stretching sessions you led me through.

#3 You are a great motivator! With your encouragement and support, I’ve made so much progress with [goal].

#4 Thank you for your encouragement and motivation.  Your support as I work on [goal you are working on] has made a difference. I have finally stuck with the plan for six months. My family is very proud of my progress. My sister may contact you soon to see if you can help her.

#5 I am thankful that we met in the painting class. Thank you for encouraging me when I wanted to give up. As a beginner, my confidence was very low. But, thanks to your kind words, I found the motivation not to give up.

Thank You For Love and Support Messages

#1 Thank you for all your love, support, and encouragement over the years we’ve known each other. Many times, I’ve had the courage to take the next step after we have talked. My life is better with you in it, and I am most grateful for your love. [For a longer letter, write an example of your action and outcome].

#2 I am grateful for your love and support as I process the loss of [Person’s Name]. Your encouraging words have helped me to grieve. You are a wonderful friend.

#3 Thank you for always loving me! The support you have provided over the last few weeks has helped tremendously. I am thankful that you stuck with me and still love me through difficult times. We are stronger together.

#4 Thank you for the love and support over the years. No matter what, you have always been there for me and have been a great encouragement during my life. Also, I will be very grateful that you stuck with me during the difficult years. I love you now more than ever.

#5 You are a very compassionate person. I am grateful that you have shown my family love and support after [Person’s name’s] funeral. Her passing was unexpected. The time you spent with us, helping us through the grieving process, will always be remembered.

Related: 65 Thoughtful Thank You Note Messages After Funeral

Prayers and Support Thank You Messages

#1 Thank you for your prayers and support as we go through this difficult time. We were taken by surprise when John passed away. We are thankful that you have been praying for us. Knowing you are there for us whenever we need to talk is comforting.

#2 I am thankful to have you as a prayer warrior in my life. You have been an excellent support to me during the past few months as I have struggled with finding my place in this world. I am grateful to you for being there for me.

#3 All the prayers and support you have sent my way are appreciated! I am grateful to have you in my life. Your words have encouraged me to read the Bible more and believe in myself. You are great at listening to all of my problems.

#4 Thank you for praying for me as I recover from this illness. Your support means the world to me. Taking the time to come and visit and pray with me last weekend was a blessing. I am happy to say that I am feeling better.

#5 Thank you for praying with me about [what you prayed about]. I felt my joy increase after we prayed, and I could let go and not worry so much. Your support is greatly appreciated.

#6 I appreciate your prayers and support. Thank you for being there to lift me and provide guidance when I needed it. I am feeling more confident in myself every day with prayer.

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Author: Heidi Bender

Title: Writer

Expertise: Thank You Notes

Heidi Bender is a writer and author who founded Tons of Thanks. She aims to help people write thank-you notes by providing examples and tips. She is the author of She is the author of A Modern Guide to Writing Thank-You Notes.