21 Thank You for Everything Quotes with Steps for Writing a Personalized Message

There are three ways you can say “Thank you for everything.”

  • Use a short thank you for everything quote
  • Write a thank you note
  • Write a thank you letter, which is longer and contains more details than a note. 

Your option will depend on your situation and why you want to express your gratitude. 

Short quotes are easy to use. However, they may not feel as meaningful to the recipient as a note or letter that mentions a specific situation. Following the quotes, you’ll find a template and examples. And then there are three detailed steps to help you when you want to write a thank you for everything letter. 

Thank You for Everything Quotes

Here are some short quotes to help you quickly say thank you for everything. 

  1. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you do for me.
  2. You have gone above and beyond again! Thank you for everything that you do. 
  3. Thanks a lot for everything. I appreciate your love and support. 
  4. Thank you for being there for me. I love you. 
  5. Thanks for everything! You’ve been a lifesaver. 
  6. I am deeply thankful for all that you do for me. You’re an awesome and kind person.
  7. I am fortunate to have you in my life; thank you for everything. 
  8. Thank you for all the times you’ve been a shoulder to lean on.
  9. I am so grateful for all you have done to help me. Thank you for everything. 
  10. Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin. You’re the best type of friend. 
  11. Thank you for everything! I am grateful for all that you do for me. 
  12. Many thanks for everything. I appreciate everything you do.
  13. I sincerely appreciate everything you have done for me. I cherish you every day.
  14. I’m grateful for you. I appreciate all that you do for me.
  15. I am grateful for everything you have done for me, and I thank you with all my heart.
  16. Your kindness and generosity are truly appreciated, and I am deeply thankful for all you do.
  17. Thank you for being a reliable source of support whenever I needed it.
  18. Your assistance and support have been a tremendous help. Thank you for everything.
  19. Thank you for being a true friend and always being there for me through good times and bad.
  20. I am sincerely grateful for everything that you do for me.
  21. Thanks for everything that you do. You’re the best mom! 

Thank You for Everything Thank You Note Template:

You can write a thank you note when you want to share a specific reason for your gratitude. The note will look like this:

Dear [Person’s Name]

Thank you very everything! Then write 2-3 more sentences (see the examples below). 


[Your Name]

You can also review “thank you for your support” messages.

Remember, you can combine examples based on what the “everything” someone does for you includes.

Everything That You Do for Me Note Examples

Remember to include a greeting and closing in your note. Also, you can add “thank you for everything” to the start or end of your note. 

#1 The impact that you’ve had on my life is hard to put into words. You’ve done so much for me over the years. [For example, giving me the advice to make new friends when my grades started to drop, helping me out now when I need a last-minute babysitter, and giving me a bit of money when I was short on rent.] Thank you for being in my life. I appreciate your ongoing love and support.

#2 I appreciate all you have done to help me get through school. Your support made the difference, and now my dream of becoming a vet tech has come true! I start at [Vet office name] next week. Thank you for your encouragement to keep going and not give up.

#3 Thank you for always being there for me. Sometimes, I could have made better or different life choices. I am grateful for all the times you were there to bail me out.

#4 Looking back, I am embarrassed by some of my decisions. It’s hard to believe that I spent a night in jail [if you want – you can say why]. All it took was a phone call, and you were there to pick me up.

#5 And all those times you brought me gas. I bet you are glad I outgrew that phase! I am happy to report that I’ve made a habit of getting gas when down to 1/4 of a tank.

#6 Wow, what was I doing spending so much time with [person’s name]? You were there for me whenever I needed to talk about the latest problem in the relationship. I’m so glad I finally met [person’s name], who is a better fit. It means so much that you like [him/her] too!

#7 We’ve been through a lot together! Or should I say, I’ve put you through a lot! Thank you for always being there for me.

#8 Life feels like less of a struggle with your support. I am grateful for all you do for me, including helping when I’m short on groceries. Also, the gift cards you’ve provided me over the past few months to [Grocery store name] have been a blessing.

#9 I am thankful daily for everything you do for the kids and me. I appreciate the years of free childcare, which allowed me to go to work. The kids, [Spouse name], and I love you very much!

Writing A Thank You For Everything Letter Step 1: Make an “everything that you do for me” list.

Brainstorm a list of the “everything.” “Everything” is going to vary by person. This could be items like the list below. Keep in mind that these are only examples. Your list should be specific to your situation.

  • Supporting me through school
  • Homework help
  • College tuition
  • Always being there for me
  • Helping me with the kids whenever needed
  • Providing transportation
  • Food support
  • Weight loss support
  • Help with paying the bills or other financial support (such as a down payment for a house)
  • Supporting my dreams no matter what they are
  • Consistent encouragement
  • Advice when requested

Writing A Thank You For Everything Letter Step 2: Dive Deeper

Now that you have a list of items consider why you feel thankful for each item. You may want to complete the sentence completion exercises. These questions may also help:

  • Why did the item make the list?
  • Did the support keep you out of debt? Allow you to get a bill paid on time?
  • Did the advice or help change your life in some way?
  • Were you rescued from a childcare bind?
  • Are they the best babysitter ever?
  • Do you feel they are always dependable regardless of the situation?
  • Did you and your family not go hungry?
  • Have you accomplished a dream or goal because of their support? What was the dream?

Writing A Thank You For Everything Letter Step 3: Write the Letter

Now, I would like you to go ahead and combine your list from Step 1 with your reasons from Step 2 into a note or letter. If you have much to say, it will probably be a letter.

  • Handwritten. I recommend handwriting your letter. Most people will appreciate the extra effort, which may feel more personal. But, if handwriting isn’t going to work for you, you can send an email or a very long text message. 
  • A Small Gift. You may want to give the person a gift card or other thank-you gift along with your note. This is optional. Your words in a well-written thank-you note may have a greater impact and stick with them longer than a gift.

Thank You For Everything That You Do for Me Letter Examples

Here are some examples of what a thank you for everything letter might look like. 

Letter #1

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for everything you have done to help me through college. I am very grateful for your financial support, which has allowed me to stay debt-free. I will graduate in a few weeks and will not have a student loan burden like many of my friends. This will give me more freedom when deciding where to live once I find a job.

You were so good at supporting me whenever I wanted to drop out. You always seemed to have the right words to help get me through. Completing this degree feels like a huge accomplishment. I have also made many friends while living on campus, and so glad you encouraged me to make the most of college life. Because of my time at college, I’ve grown into an independent adult.

I look forward to seeing you soon.



Letter #2

Dear [Person’s Name],

My dream of being a published author has come true! I am excited that my book, [Book Title], will be released by [Publishing company] next month.

Thank you for everything you did for me so I could pursue my dream. Because of your sacrifices, I could spend every morning writing for the past four years. Having focused practice time made the difference. I am grateful that you didn’t let me skip a day. And thank you for all of the breakfasts you made so that I didn’t start the day hungry.

And most of all, thank you for your honest opinion when reading my rough drafts. Not everyone would have had the courage to tell me when a character or plot wasn’t working out as you did.


Your Name

Letter #3

Dear [Person’s Name],

Thank you for everything you do to help out with my kids. As you know from your own experience, being a single parent is hard! I am thankful for all the times you’ve been able to watch kids at the last minute. You’ve been excellent with adjusting your life by saying “yes” every time.

The kids love spending time with you. You are the best babysitter ever! I am glad I don’t have to worry when they are with you.

I am happy that my work schedule is becoming regular. This should mean many fewer last-minute requests for help with the kids.


Your Name

Letter #4

Dear [Person’s Name],

You are a tremendous blessing. Thank you for all you do to make sure I and the kids never go hungry. I am grateful that there is always room for us at your dinner table. You’re meals also taste lovely too.

Inviting us over for dinner has made accepting help easier. As you’ve noticed, sometimes, we struggle to put food on the table. We’ve been able to get by with very cheap simple meals.

Because of your help, we’ve been able to stay in the apartment and be on our own. Fortunately, there is hope for us to be independent soon as [Spouse name] got a promotion!


Your Name

Everything That You Do for Me Letter Example

Dear [Person’s Name],

Thank you for everything that you do for me. I realized that “everything” can feel generic, so I want to be specific about how you’ve helped me.

First, thank you for your support while I was in college. When I started as a freshman, I felt like I had my whole life planned out! As you know, I was still determining if college was for me once I finished my first year. I am grateful that I was able to discuss my fears with you. And because of you, I had the courage to switch majors to a field I am passionate about. I am so happy to be a [position name] at [Company Name]. You’ll be excited to know that I look forward to going to work every day and enjoying the work!

And then, because I listened to your advice (even when you thought I wasn’t!), I didn’t graduate as a broke college student. Working in school was tough, but I am grateful I did not have to take out student loans. I learned how to stay focused on schoolwork since I had limited time to get it done. The ability to focus has been a tremendous skill at my job. It’s helping me to stand out amount the other recent college graduates that hired at the same time as me.

Finally, I am thankful that you encouraged me not to commit to the first [man or woman] that came along. I didn’t want to feel alone or like the only one without a significant other. Thanks to your encouragement and advice, I avoided some relationships that would not have been good in the long run. Better alone than when the wrong person!

You’ve done so much for me in the last few years. I am proud to be able to call you my friend. Thanks again for always being there for me!


[Your Name]

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Author: Heidi Bender

Title: Writer

Expertise: Thank You Notes

Heidi Bender is a writer and author who founded Tons of Thanks. She aims to help people write thank-you notes by providing examples and tips. She is the author of She is the author of A Modern Guide to Writing Thank-You Notes.