Squirrels are cute little critters, perfect for memes.
Go nuts and enjoy some funny squirrel memes today!
The Bird Feeder
Squirrels are notorious for eating bird food from bird feeders. This squirrel is looking guilty.
My Mouth is Full
Whether at home or a restaurant, sometimes we are asked, “How’s the food?” just after taking a bite.
Are You Talking to Me?
The look of surprise when you realize someone might be talking to you when you were not paying attention.
Free Samples
If you time your trip to Costco just right, you can get enough free food samples to make a lunch.
Problem-Solving Skills
Squirrels are excellent problem solvers when it comes to defeating “squirrel-proof” bird feeders.
Turning Back
Sometimes, squirrels turn back once they are halfway across the road.
Pumpkin Spice
Pumpkin spice season seems to start earlier every year.
Looking Up!
A cute meme to inspire someone as things in their life start to improve.
Nosy Squirrel
Maybe the squirrel is looking in the window for the cat.
The Latest Gossip
Some secrets are very surprising!
Busted by Bird
The sneaky squirrel is caught by the bird today!
Nutty Pun
When you are in love with someone, they might appreciate this meme!
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