Enjoy some cute and funny animal memes! Animal pictures are great for poking fun at our lives.
So, get ready to laugh. Also, there will be some fun puns that will bring a smile to your face.
All of these memes are clean and considered safe for work.
The Squirrel is Hungry
Squirrels seem to think the bird feeders are squirrel feeders.
The smallest toy pieces seem to be the most painful to step on.
Avoiding People at the Store
Sometimes, you are in a hurry or don’t feel like having random small talk at the store.
New Cat Toys
The Christmas tree is really a tree full of cat toys.
Lazy Weekends
These lions show how to enjoy lying around on the weekend.
Please Bear With Me
Bear with me is the correct phrase. Bare with me is incorrect. Bare is when something or someone is naked. Bear can be used to ask for patience.
Not So Clever
Zebras are not impressed when asked, “Are you a horse painted with stripes?” They’ve heard that joke before.
Drama That Doesn’t Personally Involve You
It’s easier to be on the edge of your seat or very interested in the drama happening to people in the news or reality TV shows that don’t affect your life in any way.
Hanging Out
When you are pleased and as happy as this sloth that someone wants to hang out with you.
45 Simple Thank You Messages For Friends
Best Friends
When you have a best friend that gets your schedule.
Lol, What?
Not all jokes are funny! But sometimes, we smile and nod because we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
The Cat Must Have Some
One of my cats begs for whatever I am making in the kitchen. She begs for a bit, even when it’s broccoli or other food I know she will not like.
My brother and I are twins. He is male, and I am female. I sometimes get asked if we are identical twins. Opposite-gender twins are never identical.
Some meals are extra delicious!
Can’t Wait For Dinner
Sometimes, you are starving and need a little something to get you through until dinner.
The Perfect Nap
The content feeling that comes along with a good nap.
Cat Preferences
Many cat owners have assembled cat towers, only to watch their cat prefer the box it came in.
15 Fresh Distracted Boyfriend Memes
What Are You Doing?
The face you make when someone is acting suspicious.
Quiet Night With Animals
For the nights, you’d rather be at home petting the dog or cat than out at a party socializing.
Cow Joke
Not all cows wear bells, but there must be a reason for those that do!
Horsing Around
I am not sure where the phrase “stop horsing around” came from. What do horses have to do with it anyway?
Not Ready!
Sometimes, we want to cover our eyes when we are not ready to start the day.
Uh, Yep.
When we are late, we usually know it! Sometimes, it would be easier to stick out our tongues rather than explain to the boss.
Happy to See You
Just like happy dogs, sometimes we are excited to see someone.
Woe, What Just Happened?
Your surprised look.
Dog Blaming the Cat
The dog is only guilty of taking the cat’s advice.
More Funny Memes
Check out our memes about life.