Most people enjoy food and puns.
So, here are some funny food puns.
Don’t Worry Pun
This chipmunk is happy with donuts, reminding you not to worry.
My Heart Beets For You
This would be funny for a partner who likes to eat red beets. That’s not me.
You Crack Me Up
Puns making cracked eggs funny.
You’re Supper
A nice compliment in the form of a food pun.
Weirdo Pun
Weirdo isn’t a nice thing to say, but weird-dough is funny.
Pizza Piece Pun
The classic you want a piece of me with a pizza slice.
Nothing Compares to You
Nothing compares to you!
Making Mistakes
Ahh, the perfect pun for foodies that bake.
Remain Calm
A reminder to remain calm. Hopefully, the romaine doesn’t revolt.
Apple for an Eye
If we had apples for eyes, you’d be the apple of my eye.
Peary Nice!
You’re Very Nice!
Meeting for Dinner
Should we meet for dinner? Or perhaps we should have meat for dinner.
Or let’s meet for a meat dinner.
Spicing It Up
Sometimes, we could use a little extra spice!
Taco About It
Let’s talk about lettuce and taco puns.
Nice To Meet You
It’s rice to meet someone new!
The perfect pair.
More Food Puns
There are some food puns mixed in with the thank-you memes.
Thank You For The Food
It’s kind to say thank you for the food when someone makes you a meal or treats you at a restaurant.
Animal Memes
Animals make for great memes, and sometimes those memes are puns.
Funny Life Memes
There are plenty of memes that most can relate to about life.
Cute Cat Memes
Cats are my favorite, so I enjoy cat memes. Maybe you will, too!