Funny Christian memes are a delightful blend of humor and faith, providing a light-hearted take on the quirks of Christian life.
Whether you find these memes funny or not may depend on your background as a Christian, as there are many different denominations and experiences.
Now it’s time to laugh and enjoy some memes!
Not So Perfect Family
Sometimes, a family will look perfect and happy at church after having a battle on the way to church. Appearances can be deceiving!
God Answering Your Prayer
You asked for patience, and God delivers with slow traffic on the way home from church.
That’s in the Bible?
Obadiah, one of the shortest books of the Bible, is a book of the Bible that isn’t preached on often at church, at least not at my church.
Close Your Eyes
Of course, someone needs to check to make sure everyone else has closed their eyes!
The Over Hugger
Sometimes, there is someone at church who is very excited to hug everyone they can.
New Worship Song
When the praise band plays a new song, some people lift their hands in the air and pretend to sing.
Goliath the Giant
The giant in the David and Goliath story was probably not as big as I imagined when I heard the story as a kid.
Lunch in the Oven
Usually, the church service lasts about the same amount of time each week. But sometimes the service runs late, and you must hurry home to take the pot roast out of the oven.
Revelation may be the most challenging book of the Bible to understand. It’s packed full of imagery and poetry.
VBS = Free Babysitting
Some parents do the Vacation Bible Study (VBS) circuit in the summer. They are likely interested in the spiritual growth of their kids but also enjoy some alone time without having to pay a sitter.
Free Donuts
Some churches serve coffee and donuts every week!
Getting Ready for Jesus Time
Loading up Jesus for prayer, bible study, or on the way to church!
Pastor Changing Churches
When pastors have left churches I’ve attended, they usually say something like God has called them to go elsewhere.
I like to imagine them answering the phone one day, and it’s God on the line telling them exactly where to go next.
Coffee in the Bible
The book of the Bible dedicated to coffee: Hebrews.
When Will This Prayer End?
When the closing prayer goes on, and on, and on.
More Skeleton Waiting Memes
What are you waiting for?
25 Funny Skeleton Waiting Memes That Will Make You Laugh
Cute Animal Memes
Get ready for more laughs.
21 Funny Animal Memes That Will Make You Smile
Pastor Appreciation
Take a few minutes to express gratitude to your pastor with a thoughtful thank you card. Here are some examples of what you can say:
Holiday Thank You Messages
Take a few moments to say thank you while writing Happy Holidays messages.