We wait for late friends.
We wait to make decisions.
We wait at appointments that we were on time for.
We wait for others to get back to us.
We wait for love.
What are you waiting for? Enjoy some funny memes right now.
Next Day Delivery
When you want something the next day, sometimes the delivery truck doesn’t come until well in the evening!
It’s hard to be patient when it’s “out for delivery.”
Deciding What to Have for Dinner
Sometimes making a decision on what to make for dinner takes a long time.
Waiting to Retire
Sometimes it feels like we may never be able to retire.
Waiting On Your Conscience
Am I doing the right thing? Why doesn’t my conscience agree with me?
Patience is a Virtue
To my surprise, the phrase “Patience is a virtue.” did not originate in the Bible.
Long Pointless Story
When you’re waiting for your friend to get to the point of their very long story.
Waiting For Man To Come Out of Bathroom
For whatever reason, some men need lots of time to do their bathroom business.
Quick Stop at the Store
She said she only needed one thing, and it would only take a few minutes.
Waiting for the Perfect Man
The perfect man doesn’t seem to exist. It may be time to lower your expectations.
Waiting for the Chronically Late Friend
If they left when they said they were, they would be here by now!
Waiting for the Cat to Move
Cat owners will wait as long as possible to get up when a cat is on their lap.
Waiting on the OP to Reply
Waiting for the OP (original poster) memes go back to at least 2005, according to Know Your Meme.
Waiting for the Perfect Fire
When you’re waiting for the fire to burn down to be able to make the s’mores. Perhaps, someone put too much wood on the bonfire.
Waiting for Water to Boil
It always feels like it takes water longer to boil than it should!
Coworker Talks Too Much
It can feel hard sometimes to interrupt a coworker that is talking too much.
Still Waiting For You
This meme could be taken in two different ways:
- waiting for a person
- or waiting to find your soul mate.
Moms Waiting
Do kids clean their rooms eventually?
Waiting to Use Math
While some professions (besides math teachers) need to know algebra and calculus, many adults never use the advanced math they were required to learn in high school.
Waiting for a Text
What’s taking them so long to respond?
When You’re Sorry You Asked About the Cat
When you casually ask a coworker about a cat photo on their laptop, and then they tell you more about their cats, then you wanted to know.
Long Work Day
Sometimes it can feel like time stopped at work!
Still Waiting
A generic still waiting skeleton meme that could be used anytime your waiting.
The Skeleton Is Done with This
The Skeleton is rolling its eyes as it waits for a long day of being photographed to end.
Waiting on Your Memory
How does this old technology work again?
Waiting For The Lies to Stop
When someone thinks you are believing their little white lies.
Funny Animal Memes
Enjoy some funny animal memes.