Sometimes, Mondays get a bad rap. Some people actually love Mondays.
Do you dread them or love them?
Enjoy some funny Monday memes today!
You Tried
You tried to get excited for Mondays on Sunday night. However, it didn’t work out.
What Stinks?
Monday is stinking up your day!
Monday Feeling Jealous
Monday, wondering what is so special about Friday. Many people prefer Fridays to Mondays!
Monday Mood
Sometimes, you are so tired on Monday that you might feel like a zombie calling it in!
Weak Day
Of course, there are puns for Monday, the first day of the work week.
Tired Mondays
When you’re not quite ready for Monday.
Need Coffee
On those Mondays when you need a lot of coffee.
Happy Monday
That annoyingly happy coworker on Monday morning.
Hello Monday
Monday is here! Some people are excited to start the week and whatever opportunities it may offer.
Tired is Tired
Tired from lack of sleep on Mondays. Tired from working too much during the week on Fridays.
Go Getter Monday
Monday is a fresh start every week. You can do it!
It’s Still Monday
When you’re having a slow Monday.
Monday Mood
When you’d rather be sleeping in on Monday morning.
Have a Great Week!
This is a meme for those excited to start the week on Mondays.
Deciding not to work on Friday afternoons can lead to an extra busy Monday.
Monday Allergy
Sometimes, we might feel allergic to Mondays, especially following a super fun weekend.
Even the hen looks annoyed with this Monday joke.
Monday Feelings
How you feel about each day of the week on Mondays.
Extra Larger Coffee, Please
When you’re extra tired on Monday, you might need an extra large coffee.
For the Love of Mondays
Some people love Mondays!
Dreading Monday
You might want to find a different job when you dread working on Monday.
Cute and Funny Animal Memes
Ready for more memes? Check out some funny animal memes.